Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 8: We worship with the Weindls; and eat an Austrian feast

Hi Mom, since you are the only one reading this blog we thought we would address you directly from now on. All of our moms out there, we love you.

Sunday we went to church to hear Waffle sing in German. Before the service however, the non-German speakers went and tried to order coffee from a non-English speaker. Successful overall, but Pictionary did have to be resorted to.

After church we were invited by the Weindls' to an Austrian meal in a true beer garden. We drank fluffy beer and found out there is an original Budweiser that is so much better than the copy it's not worth comparing.
Discovered a true piggy-bank.

Saw an Austrian Carnival.

Found a whole store full of Austrian cookies, candy and more...

Went to a beautiful cathedral...

...and climbed the 343 steps.

Climbed, and climbed, and climbed 343 steps.

Fortunately the view was worth it.

As for what we did the rest of the day, well, it was so amazing I can't remember. No, just kidding, we had pizza delivered. Imagine that. Now you might think that's lame, Mom, but not to us since that is one thing you can't do on a ship in Africa.

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